Junk Removal Truck For Sale
Oklahoma City, OK

2024 Chevy 4500 LCF Junk Removal Truck For Sale

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🚀10.5k miles, 14.5k max gross weight, 6.6L gas engine

🚀Selling due to business closure

Bought for $102k, selling for $80,000. I am not in a position to seller finance I'm afraid.


💲Assembled by Specialty Truck Bodies. Custom made by experts that only build junk removal trucks.

💲Bed approx 15 cubic yards. 8 feet wide x 10 feet long x 5 feet high

💲10k lbs capacity winch professionally installed in bed

💲Moving truck style ramp so you can walk into the bed. Ramp can be mounted on the left side, right side or middle of the bed

💲Toolbox with two shelves and area for wheelbarrow on top

💲Custom area for trash can storage

💲Backup camera that shows automatically on radio when truck is put into reverse. Putting truck in reverse also mutes the radio.

💲Cruise control, A/C, Electric side mirrors, Rear wheel drive, Electric tarp system with control inside the toolbox.

Any questions, please feel free to text me at (630) 701-8388 or message me on Facebook.